City of Lake Mills, Wisconsin

On the shores of Rock Lake

Animal Licensing

Click Here for Backyard Chicken License Information.

Dog/Cat License Information

All City of Lake Mills residents owning a dog or cat that is 5 months of age or older must have their pet licensed each year. The license year is January 1 through December 31 with $5 late fees being imposed beginning April 1 of each year. 

NEW Fees - Effective for the 2023 Licensing Year: 
Dogs: $10.00 for altered and $15.00 for unaltered
Cats: $10.00 for altered or unaltered

Proof of rabies vaccination from your vet must be presented to obtain a dog license each year! 

Dog/Cat Licenses can be obtained by presenting the Rabies Certificate (for dogs only) and proper payment either in person or by mailing in along with a self-addressed stamped envelope to: 200D Water St, Lake Mills, WI. All checks can be made out to the City of Lake Mills.